Articles Submission
To publish an article in Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs no. 4 (2024), it is necessary to take the following steps until November 29, 2024 (inclusively):
- fill in an application form (at the link)
- send an original article which meets all the requirements to
- If desired, a high-quality electronic photo of the author(s) (.jpg) may be attached to the article;
- Send a copy of payment confirmation after the article’s approval.
Academic integrity
The editorial staff carries out anonymous peer-reviews of articles and checks for plagiarism. All papers are subject to plagiarism check using by the Polish company
After accepting a scholarly article for publication, the editorial staff provides payment details and notifies the author/co-authors of the need to pay the publication fee, which must be made within 5 (five) calendar days after the notification.
Publication fee
The publication fee is 1000 UAH (for 12 pages). Each extra page is paid additionally for 40 UAH. The publication fee covers the costs associated with peer review, proof-reading, editing, page planning, and publication of its electronic version.
If needed, an author can order a printed copy. It costs 800 UAH, which is paid additionally to the publication fee.
Several publications by the same author (except for one article and one review) cannot be submitted to the same issue. It is allowed to publish no more than two articles by the same author, provided that one article is individual, and the other is co-authored or both articles are co-authored (one of the co-authors should be listed twice).
Undergraduate (bachelor’s degree recipients) and graduate (master’s degree recipients) students may publish in the Bulletin only with authors who have scientific degrees and/or academic titles. If the student’s co-author does not have a scientific degree and/or academic title, the article must be supported by a review by a specialist with a scientific degree and/or academic title, or an extract from the minutes of the department meeting recommending the article for publication.
The electronic version will be publicly available on the website until February 15, 2025.
The printed copy will be sent to the authors, who have ordered it, until March 15, 2025.
Requirements for articles
The journal publishes scientific and review articles, reviews of scientific publications, reports on scientific events, author's texts of draft laws.
In terms of scientific content, articles should have the following structural elements: problem statement and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent research and publications that initiated the solution of the relevant problem the author relies on; determination of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to; formulation of the article’s goals (task statement); presentation of the main research material with full justification of research findings; conclusions and prospects for further research.
The manuscript should be typed using MicrosoftWord without hyphenation and meet the following requirements: page size – A4; margins – 2 cm, font – Times New Roman, size (point) – 14, line spacing – 1.5; pages are not numbered.
- UDC is on the left.
- On the right, in separate lines: in bold – the surname and initials of the author(s), academic degree and rank (if the author does not have an academic degree and rank, “postgraduate student”, “external postgraduate student”, “teacher”, etc. is used). Place of work/study in italics in parentheses.
- In the middle – the article’s title in capital letters and bold.
- Abstract in Ukrainian (600 to 800 characters with spaces) and keywords (5-7 words).
- Article text.
- List of references (capitalized name in bold italics in the middle) in alphabetical order following the current standards of bibliographic formatting.
In-text citations (in square brackets – the reference number (the same as in the bibliography list) and page numbers).
Prohibition on using the aggressor state’s scholarly papers:
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list Russian-language publications published in any country, including papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
- Abstract in English – from 1800 to 2000 characters with spaces, including the author’s name and initials, the article’s title, and 5-7 keywords.
The abstracts should be informative (without general phrases); structured (rendering the consistent logic of descripting research findings); substantive (render the article’s main content; describe the main purpose; summarize the most important results); specify the author’s contribution (original developments, proposals, discoveries, etc.).
The manuscript’s volume is 8-25 pages (including abstracts and references).
- The bibliography list is duplicated in Latin (References) following the rules of transliteration. It is recommended to format References under the international bibliographic standard APA. The Harvard-British Standard is also acceptable.
The use of abbreviations and acronyms, which are not wide-spread, is not allowed without prior explanation. Units of physical quantities should be presented as in the international SI system (the English system of measures is acceptable only for English-language articles). Surnames are given after initials.
Materials violating requirements are not accepted for consideration.
УДК 316.346: 305
Олександр МОРГУНОВ
доктор юридичних наук, професор
(Дніпровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Дніпро, Україна)
Анотація українською мовою (600 до 800 знаків з пробілами).
Ключові слова: спортивне право, предмет правового регулювання, суспільні відносини, здоров’я, медико-правові відносини, класифікація, норми.
Текст статті з виділенням структурних елементів [1, c. 96].
Список використаних джерел
- Uvarova N. V., Lohvynenko B. O. The mechanism of legal regulation of social relations as a type of mechanism of public administration.Modernization of the system of public management and administration in Ukraine:the experience of the Republic of Latvia : scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2023. P. 143–159.
- Чередник Р. В. Становлення спортивного права як комплексної галузі в правовій системі України.Актуальні проблеми політики. 2011. Вип. 42. С. 272–279.
- Uvarova, N. V., Lohvynenko, B. O. (2023) The mechanism of legal regulation of social relations as a type of mechanism of public administration.Modernization of the system of public management and administration in Ukraine: the experience of the Republic of Latvia: scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing». рр. 143–159.
- Cherednyk, R. V. (2011) Stanovlennia sportyvnoho prava yak kompleksnoi haluzi v pravovii systemi Ukrainy [The formation of sports law as a complex field in the legal system of Ukraine].Aktualni problemy polityky. Vyp. 42, рр. 272–279. [in Ukr.].
Oleksandr Morhunov. To the problem of classification of medical and legal relations in sports law of Ukraine. Анотація англійською мовою обсягом від 1800 до 2000 знаків з пробілами.
Key words: sports law, subject of legal regulation, social relations, health, medical and legal relations, classification, norms.