THE ILLEGAL ESSENCE OF TODAY RUSSIAN STATE (on the example of the case of Sasha Skochylenko)




the constitution of the russian federation, the illegal nature of the modern russian state, putin’s regime, the case of Sasha Skochylenko, the prosecution, the defense, legal argumentation.


On the example of the criminal case of Sasha Skochylenko, the thesis about the illegal nature of today russian state, which is a violator of human rights not only in Ukraine, but also on its own territory recognized by the constitution and international treaties, is argued. In the absence of a real opportunity to directly get acquainted with the materials of the criminal case of Sasha Skochylenko, journalistic publications were used, which give a sufficient idea of such important aspects of this case for scientific analysis and the course of its investigation and trial, as: 1) the grounds for the arrest of a citizen of the Russian Federation with an anti-war stance to criminal liability, as well as the essence of the charge against her; 2) data characterizing the convicted person, necessary for the correct resolution of this case and the adoption of a judicial verdict; 3) evidence of the prosecution and the defense (arguments of the parties in the case) was collected and presented in court; 4) expert assessment of direct evidence of Sasha Skochylenko’s guilt in committing the act she is accused of; 5) content of the court’s guilty verdict in the case and the imposed punishment; 6) the behavior of the participants in the criminal process, primarily those who are vested with authority (representatives of the prosecutor’s office who supported the state prosecution in court, as well as judges) and the attitude of these subjects towards the accused, and later the defendant, respectively; 7) the relationship of the convicted woman to her case, as well as to Russian «justice»; 8) the attitude of certain institutions of the Russian government and representatives of the public towards Sasha Skochylenko, her case, as well as other participants in the criminal process. Highlighting these important aspects of Sasha Skochylenko’s case determined the algorithm of this research and ensured the achievement of its goal. The case of Sasha Skochylenko demonstrated to the whole world the actual lawlessness of Russian citizens who had the courage not even to condemn publicly, but only to express cautious disagreement with the policy of the Kremlin leadership regarding an aggressive war in a neighboring peace-loving state. The activity of the so-called «judicial body» and «law enforcement agencies», which without any remorse of their own «conscience» actually performed the functions of the punitive and repressive apparatus, is also indicative in this case.


1. Голубева А. «Суд стал пыткой». Художницу Скочиленко приговорили к семи годам колонии. BBC NEWS. URL :

2. «Даже сторонники СВО не считают, что я заслуживаю срока» Сашу Скочиленко приговорили к семи годам колонии. Вот как это было. Meduza. URL :

3. Конституції нових держав Європи та Азії / упоряд. С. Головатий. Київ : Укр. Правн. Фундація ; Вид-во «Право», 1996. 544 с.

4. Скочиленко стала першою в РФ, на кому судова система «випробувала» кримінальне покарання за антивоєнну позицію, – мати художниці. FREEДОМ. URL :

5. Справа Скочиленко: суддю російської художниці хочуть підвищити на посаді (відео). FREEДОМ. URL :

6. Художницу Сашу Скочиленко приговорили к 7 годам колонии. Голос Америки. URL :

7. Художницу Скочиленко приговорили к 7 годам по делу о «фейках» на ценниках. РБК. URL :



How to Cite

Serdiuk, L. (2024). THE ILLEGAL ESSENCE OF TODAY RUSSIAN STATE (on the example of the case of Sasha Skochylenko). Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 122–132.

