child, international experience, police, USA, crime prevention, administrative activity.Abstract
The article examines the activities of the American police in the field of counteraction and prevention of administrative offenses committed by children and in relation to children. An analysis of legal acts regulating the activities of the police and other specialized bodies and institutions for children’s affairs in the USA was carried out. It has been established that one of the leading activities of the US Juvenile Prevention Police is strategic cooperation and long-term action plans for the prevention of delinquency by children, both at the national and local levels. It has been determined that the current trends in the administrative activities of the US police regarding the prevention of offenses committed by children are: wide application of the analysis of factors and reasons that lead to children’s offenses, the so-called preventive perspective; high emphasis on the expertise of police officers and other specialists engaged in the prevention of administrative offenses committed by children. The basic principles of the administrative activity of the juvenile police and other bodies and institutions for children’s affairs of foreign countries, the implementation of which may be appropriate in Ukraine, have been established. It is argued that for the successful implementation of positive foreign experience, gradual introduction of changes is recommended, or, for example, the application of novelties by the method of a pilot project in one of the regions or a city. Such a technique makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of changes without harming the legal system, state bodies, etc. Each state has gone through its own path of development and formation, which is reflected in the uniqueness of culture, legal consciousness and worldview. Proposals regarding such areas of improvement are substantiated.
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