


inquiry, inquirer, criminal offense, criminal misdemeanor, criminal proceedings, prevention.


The article emphasizes that in the conditions of the increase in the number of criminal offenses, the reformation of criminal procedural legislation and criminal justice bodies, the procedural status of the inquirer as a subject of the prevention of criminal offenses is not defined and not investigated. It is emphasized that the introduction of the institution of inquiry (simplified pre-trial investigation) is one of the most rational steps on the way to strengthening the effectiveness of the functioning of pre-trial investigation bodies, because the simplification of certain criminal procedural procedures, features of the structural organization and forms of interaction not only makes it possible to significantly speed up the pre-trial investigation of this category of criminal offenses, but also to prevent the commission of criminal and illegal acts. The essence of the inquiry consists in the fastest involvement of the institution of pre-trial investigation, which involves the involvement of all organizational and procedural resources within the limits defined by the legislation of Ukraine, to restore the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. All of this is also primarily of a preventive nature, but the actions that the inquirer directly performs in the pre-trial investigation are undoubtedly of a procedural nature. It is proved that the procedural activity of the inquirer as a subject of the prevention of criminal offenses is a system of measures taken by the inquirer with the aim of curbing the growth of crime and, if possible, reducing its real level by eliminating and neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to it, as well as by preventing and termination of certain specific criminal offenses. The criminological activity of the inquirer is carried out at the general social and special criminological levels of the prevention of criminal offenses. 


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How to Cite

Telen’, O. (2024). PROCEDURAL STATUS OF THE INQUIRER AS AN ACTOR OF PREVENTION OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 624–630.