pandemic, quality of education, categories of knowledge, information technologies, optimum, pessimum.Abstract
The article discusses issues related to education in the context of a pandemic. It has been noted that the transition to a new training format affected the quality of educational training. The assessment of the categories of knowledge in two realities was carried out, which confirmed the decrease in the quality of education. At the same time, it is indicated that the increase in the share of online education is a reality of modern times. On the other hand, the pandemic contributed to the development of the educational sector, in particular, distance learning motivated teachers to improve their professional skills, effectively introduce the testing method into the educational process, and the heads of educational institutions gained experience in creating safe sanitary and hygienic conditions in the educational process. In fact, there is no information in Ukraine that would allow for the development of comprehensive measures to deal with the negative consequences of the pandemic for education. Likewise, there is no balanced assessment of the educational sphere's readiness for the transition to a distance format, in particular the technical support of the educational process and the skills of using new digital education tools. Based on the analysis, the authors proposed the following: 1) to provide compensation for possible losses in educational results due to the pandemic, and currently also due to military actions, and to identify those seeking secondary and higher education who are most in need of additional actions and assistance to close the gaps in education; 2) to create a fund to compensate for losses in education due to the pandemic and military actions for seekers who need it, in particular to finance additional classes for them; 3) to expand the national electronic educational platform, make it the main platform for distance and mixed learning tools that can be used by all participants in the educational process (cities and villages); 4) to pay attention to scientific and methodical research on the problems of distance and mixed learning in non-traditional conditions; 5) to carry out a selection of the necessary educational literature that can be used during distance and mixed learning: electronic textbooks, manuals, as well as educational applications.
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