communication, communication strategies, anti-crisis communications, Ukrzaliznytsia, electronic governance.Abstract
The article deals with study of the typology of crises and anti-crisis communications as an integral component of the general communicative activity of enterprises on the example of the stateowned enterprise JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". The paper studied theoretical and developed practical recommendations for the development of modern anti-crisis communications technologies of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". The object of the study is the process of implementing modern anti-crisis communications technologies of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". The subject is a set of theoretical provisions regarding the development of modern technologies of anti-crisis communications of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". Data from open sources of statistical reporting, scientific studies of leading Ukrainian scientists, as well as leading international organizations and foreign scientists served as the information base of the study. The practical significance of the study lies in a broad comparative analysis of the essence and typology of crises, and accordingly, the directions of development of anti-crisis communications and the provision of effective recommendations for implementation at the state-owned enterprise - JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". The purpose of the work is to develop theoretical and practical recommendations for the development of modern anti-crisis communications technologies of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". The analysis of the source base allowed: 1) to provide basic definitions of the concepts of "crisis", "anti-crisis communications" and 2) to typologize the studied phenomena. The result of the analysis is also the development of recommendations for the development of modern technologies of anti-crisis communications of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", which was reflected in the Strategy of anti-crisis communications of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". Further, the findings can be useful for further research on the specified topic. The work used scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, own research, for example, SWOT analysis. An important step in the daily existence of Ukrzaliznytsia is the formation of an anti-crisis response group, these should be specially trained specialists who will know how to properly react to this or that scandal related to Ukrzaliznytsia, how to quickly ensure communication with people and management, if necessary, which news to be quickly uploaded to the network to reduce negative events. An important anti-crisis technology is the One voice technique.
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