lawyer, administrative litigation, proceedings, shortcomings.Abstract
The article examines the main problems of legal regulation of a lawyer's activities in administrative proceedings. The author notes that currently the legislation regulating the professional legal activity of lawyers in Ukraine is in a state of renewal and modernization. It is the sphere of administrative regulation of the activities of lawyers that requires legal regulation specifically in the aspect of determining the legal status of a lawyer, guarantees for the implementation of lawyer activity, improper legal consolidation and application in practice of the provisions regarding the rights and duties of lawyers in administrative proceedings. The article also focuses on the fact that in order to modernize the bar, it is necessary to take into account the following needs: 1) reforming the bar institute by borrowing the international and European practice of the activity and functioning of the bar; 2) legislative improvement of the legal provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine in order to ensure the possibility for lawyers to use their legal rights in practice and to increase the safety of lawyers during the judicial process; 3) improvement of state legislation in the field of activity of Ukrainian lawyers behind bars and, accordingly, foreign lawyers on the territory of Ukraine; 4) improvement of the system of professional development of lawyers in Ukraine and provision of necessary training and retraining of lawyers in Ukraine at the legislative level. The author identified the main problems of legal regulation of the lawyer's legal activity in administrative proceedings. It was concluded that the obsolescence and inconsistency of the administrative and legal norms of the current legislation leads to the impossibility of the lawyer realizing his legal rights and duties. It is emphasized that the absence of a clear list of powers of a lawyer as a participant in administrative proceedings leads to certain difficulties in protecting the rights, freedoms and interests of a person, and to the fact that the role of a lawyer in administrative proceedings becomes optional. And this creates obstacles for citizens to exercise their constitutional right to protection within the framework of administrative-delict proceedings.
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