



stress, stressful situations, adaptation, psychological stress, relaxation


Stress is a state of mental tension that occurs during activities in the most difficult and difficult conditions. Two types of stress are defined: physiological stress and psychoemotional stress. Three stages of the development of the stress reaction are proposed: the stage of anxiety, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion. Factors of stress: concern for the fate of family and friends, low academic performance during the semester, conflicts with teachers, misunderstanding or insufficient knowledge of the subject, fear of the possibility of being expelled from the university due to failure, lack of time, high intensity of the examination period, high pace and speed of passing individual exams and tests, the need to process huge volumes of educational information, the external conditions of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine and the city, staying in a bomb shelter. The impact of stress on the cadet’s personality, and therefore on his/ here learning process, is obvious. Under the condition of a positive solution to stressful situations, the impact of stress can be positive and have a motivating nature, but with the duration of its impact, as well as the cadets’ lack of positive coping skills, it can lead to psychosomatic diseases, the formation of the appearance of academic neglect, and a violation of the personal and professional development of the individuum . The reaction to stress, like the start of the working day, diet, physical activity, quality of rest and sleep, relationships with others, are integral parts of a lifestyle. It depends on the cadet himself/herself what his/here lifestyle will be – healthy, active or unhealthy, passive, and, therefore, how often and how long he/she will be in a stressful state. According to scientists, emotional stress is one of the leading causes of mental stress in high school cadets. This leads to overstrain of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the normal functioning of the body. The key to preserving the physical and mental health of cadets is the development of measures to prevent and correct nervous and mental tension in the educational activities of cadets, which will provide an opportunity to prevent mental and somatic health disorders and increase satisfaction with learning.


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How to Cite

Shinkarenko, I. (2024). FEATURES OF THE OCCURRENCE AND EXPERIENCE OF STRESS STATES IN CADETS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 315–323. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2024-2-315-323

