domestic violence, gender-based violence, subjects, interaction, methodology, systematization, perpetrator, victim.Abstract
The activities and interaction of authorities performing functions related to the warning and prevention of violence in Ukraine have been analyzed in detail. The issues regarding the communication between responsible persons endowed with powers in the field of combating domestic violence and violence based on gender have been highlighted separately. The list of active authorities in Ukraine, their functions, responsibilities, and impact on the overall situation regarding violence within the country’s territory has been considered. The principles, goals, and functions of the examined subjects have been identified. The current methods of systematization of responsible authorities in the specified sphere have been outlined. A series of relevant proposals have been put forward regarding the updated structure of subjects, their information dissemination, reporting, accountability, and expanded powers in the field of prevention and counteraction of violence in any form of manifestation. The expediency of conducting a series of scientific research in this direction to identify existing theoretical and practical problematic issues for the creation of a unified, high-quality algorithm of actions related to addressing challenges received on the 102 hotline and written complaints from citizens who have suffered violent actions (significant moral, physical, economic, psychological harm) from the offender as a result of committing an administrative or criminal offense has been highlighted. The need of reviewing the existing legislation regulating the relations between the authorities responsible for ensuring the prevention and counteraction of violence in Ukraine has been proposed. It was introduced a new procedure for considering citizens’ appeals to the National Police, as well as informing educational institutions and healthcare facilities about cases of violence even if no written complaint has been received by the police from the victim, if there are sufficient grounds to believe that violent actions may have serious consequences, has been suggested. Special attention has been paid to the consideration of unlawful acts of violence that are repetitive over a long period. The development of a separate mobile application for urgent reports of domestic violence or violence based on gender by all the authorities responsible for preventing and countering violence has been proposed. The implementation of separate stationary units in district police departments for a more detailed consideration of each appeal and the study of each individual case of recurring nature to ensure preventive measures for eradicating violence in each district has been recommended. Since the functions assigned to patrol officers have a multifaceted nature, this reduces the speed and quality of response to such calls. From the review of Art. 173-2 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and Art. 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, there is an urgent need to strengthen and review sanctions for violations related to gender-based violence and other types of violence. Thus, it is proposed to introduce stricter measures of punishment for offenders who have committed illegal actions under the above-mentioned articles.
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