penitentiary system, places of unfreedom, penal institutions, pretrial detention centers, convicts, prisoners, penitentiary staff, order and conditions of execution and serving of sentences, criminal offenses in the penitentiary sphere, criminological characteristics, penitentiary crime, determinants, conditions of detention of convicts and prisoners, material, household and health care for convicts and prisoners, criminal (prison) subculture, organized criminal groups, violence, prevention, foreign experience.Abstract
The article deals with the criminological description of penitentiary crime in places of unfreedom in foreign countries. The authors have emphasized that a strategically important issue of prevention of penitentiary crime in places of deprivation of liberty of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the study of foreign experience. An important role in this process is played by the international integration of the cooperation of all countries of the world to create a single international scientific base for studying the problems of penitentiary crime in places of deprivation of liberty and finding optimal ways to prevent it among convicts, prisoners and penitentiary staff. A number of doctrinal principles that create positive prerequisites for the introduction of positive foreign experience in the prevention of penitentiary crime into the domestic practice of the functioning of places of detention are highlighted, namely: 1) raising the level of formal and practical channels of communication between state authorities and European and international partners; 2) approximation of Ukrainian legislation to European Union standards; 3) further reform of the penitentiary system of Ukraine by introducing international experience of penitentiary activities and the requirements of European standards in the field of execution of punishments and treatment of convicts into the practice of penal institutions. The conducted comparative study showed that the majority of national legislators differentiate criminal liability for acts committed by convicts and prisoners both in the field of penitentiary legal relations (that is, those that encroach on the established procedure and conditions for the execution and serving of punishments), and for general criminal acts committed in places of imprisonment. At the same time, the legislators of the states of the same legal family, as a rule, adhere to unified approaches in the relevant legal technique. Determinants of penitentiary crime in places of deprivation of liberty in foreign countries are shown, the main ones of which include: overcrowding of prisons, their insufficient funding, incorrect classification of convicts according to the regime of serving the sentence, inadequate material, household and medical and sanitary support for convicts and prisoners, criminal (prison) subculture etc.
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