court, human rights, convict, places of imprisonment, court decisions, institutions for the execution of punishments.Abstract
One of the most effective international judicial institutions, to which convicts serving criminal sentences in prisons and in authorized probation bodies have the right to apply, is the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter – the ECtHR), whose jurisdiction is recognized by Ukraine. The article reveals the role of the European Court of Human Rights in fulfilment of court decisions regarding convicts in Ukraine. One of the most common reasons for non-execution of court decisions regarding convicts in Ukraine is the establishment of the ECtHR in violation of international obligations by Ukraine during the resolution of the case by national courts The reasons for the appeal of the convicts to the ECtHR are described. It has been proven that the convict's appeal to the ECtHR is related to the improper execution in the bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of the court decision that entered into legal force against the convict for the criminal offense he had committed (a crime or a criminal misdemeanor). Improper execution of a court decision against a person convicted in Ukraine entails appropriate sanctions of the ECtHR against Ukraine. Since prisoners of war are currently in special camps of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for prisoners of war, they are deprived of the right to apply to the ECtHR. It is noted that the effectiveness of the fulfilment of court decisions regarding convicts in Ukraine consists in the maximum objective and subjective result of achieving the goal of punishment.
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