
  • A.V. Kovalenko Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs


police, politics, state, politics of criminology, criminality


The article deals with analysis of existent concepts of politics of criminology of the state in activity of police, and also decision of its principles and role in activity of the modern Ukrainian police. This research is important enough, as times of proclamation of independence and until now in the state there is an increase interest in the wide circle of the questions related to realization of purposeful activity of different social subjects in relation to strengthening of legality and law and order in the state. Politics of criminology of the state in activity of police is original ideology under act of that, from one side, forms, tasks, maintenance, principles of activity of the state, are developed in the field of unrepressive direction of fight against criminality, and from the second – the most reasonable isused from socio-political positions present or developed in accordance with its new theory of prevention of criminality. It is necessary to mark that without development and effective implementation of politics of criminology of the state, effective activity of police is not possible, as law-enforcement authorities now are in the difficult enough stage of reformation and need various support from the side of the state. On the modern stage of development of Ukraine, to strategic directions preventions of criminality, that is developed by the corresponding organs of the state, reformative politics of criminology, that combines socio-economic politics of country harmonically, answers also, her cultural traditions, political mode, dominating ideology, resource possibilities and other, after the national system of influence on criminal potential of society. Exactly he generates criminal readiness and transformation of the last in different criminal displays.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, A. (2024). CONCEPT OF STATE CRIMINOLOGY POLICY IN UKRAININAN POLICE’S ACTIVITIES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 223–228. Retrieved from

