human rights, National Police of Ukraine, human rights in police activity, sociological information, analytical reports, sociological research.Abstract
Sociological research is an important source of alternative official information regarding (non)compliance with human rights by the Ukrainian police. The importance of sociological information in particular is due to the fact that, firstly, official information on violations is not published; secondly, the existing system of collecting and analyzing complaints about the actions of police officers is ineffective, since most complaints about violence by police officers are considered by the police; thirdly, a significant number of victims do not file complaints. Therefore, it is very difficult to assess the real scale of human rights violations by the police. Research on various aspects related to human rights violations by police officers takes place mainly within the framework of grant programs and is carried out by international and national public human rights organizations. It is also necessary to note independent surveys of the public regarding the assessment of the level of trust (includes questions about the behavior of police officers during interaction with citizens, types of inappropriate behavior) of the population to the National Police of Ukraine. So, we are talking about the fact that sociological information is a powerful source of knowledge about the real state of human rights compliance by the police, public opinion on this issue, which is presented in informational and analytical reports, and which should become one of the grounds for making appropriate decisions on the management behalf. The article reviews the results of sociological research on the implementation of the principle of respect for human rights by leading human rights organizations in recent years. The results of the research carried out by the Scientific Laboratory of Sociological and Criminal Legal Research of the State University of Internal Affairs on this topic are presented, so that future lawyers, on the one hand, understand the importance of observing human rights, and on the other hand, they have fairly common stereotypes about vulnerable groups of the population, which may further lead to prejudices and discrimination.
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