investigation, investigator, thefts from the shops, review of place of event, tracks, tactical receptions.Abstract
The article deals with the organizational and tactical features of conducting an inspection of the scene during the investigation of shoplifting. It is emphasized that the success of the investigation of criminal offenses of the specified category depends on the timeliness and quality of inspections in many cases. Organizational and tactical features of the inspection of the scene of the event are considered at each of three stages: preparatory, working and final. Attention is paid to review tactics at the working stage. After carrying out organizational and preparatory measures, the investigator moves to the working stage of the review. The inspection method is chosen depending on the specific situation at the scene. Based on the created model of the event as a whole, the nodal areas of the premises and terrain are determined, and the objects located in the areas where traces could most likely have been left are specified. At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the situation of the scene, from the properties of the trace-receiving surface, and the mechanism of the formation of various traces. During the inspection, it is advisable to be guided by the principle of an integrated approach to the search for traces, that is, it is necessary to carefully search for traces formed by various objects: handprints, shoes, burglary tools, microparticles, odor, etc. Attention is paid to negative circumstances that may indicate that the theft was staged. They can be unjustified violations of the situation, locking devices, the absence of crime traces in places where they should logically be. In some cases, the nature of breaking obstacles may indicate that they were broken not from the outside, but from the inside of the room. The final stage of the review consists in summarizing, analyzing and evaluating the collected information and recording its results. It was concluded that the considered investigative (research) action is one of the important ones from the point of view of informativeness. The further course of the investigation depends on its success. Improving the tactical techniques of conducting the review and the influence of its results on the conduct of other investigative (search) actions for this category of cases is a promising direction of scientific development.
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