investigative (search) actions, search, pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings, decision of the investigating judge, the state of war, criminal procedural legislation.Abstract
The armed aggression of the russian federation radically changed the life of every Ukrainian, and at the same time led to a number of challenges during the implementation of criminal proceedings on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, with the aim of bringing criminal procedural activities closer to wartime realities, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a number of laws aimed at regulating issues of criminal proceedings under the conditions of the state of war, in particular, regarding the specifics of carrying out certain procedural actions based on the decision of the investigating judge. To what extent are such changes justified, does the scope of rights of people who can potentially become objects of criminal prosecution narrow, how should law enforcement agencies influence the observance of human rights in war conditions, how should the investigator work as a whole, so that the balance of interests is preserved – this is just a small list of questions that arise in today’s conditions. The article provides a systematic analysis of the norms regulating the procedural order of conducting a search under the conditions of state of war. The work analyzes the legislation of Ukraine, the practice of applying domestic legislation, the scientific positions of domestic procedural scientists regarding guarantees of protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings during a search. Scientific and practical recommendations have been developed regarding the legal application of provisions regulating the procedural order of conducting a search under the conditions of state of war, which raise questions for practical workers.
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