functions, State Migration Service, foreigners, administrative offenses, illegal migration, migration legislation, countermeasures.Abstract
The article analyzes the functions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine as a subject of countermeasures against the commission of administrative offenses by foreigners. It is emphasized that management functions are characterized by dualism – along with their static nature, they are characterized by dynamics, that in the process of public regulation in the field of migration, the tasks, the purpose of activity and the competence of subjects of authority in this field may transform, which will cause certain changes in the list its functions. The corresponding change in functions reflects their dynamics, i.e., a change in the direction of the subject of authority in the field of migration causes a change in the main functions of his management activity. It is emphasized that the functions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, in particular those aimed at combating administrative offenses of foreigners in Ukraine, are in a phase of transformation, which is determined by both internal (a short period of time since the creation of the State Migration Service of Ukraine as a type of public service) and external factors (the development and renewal of the doctrine of administrative rights), including the activity of the State Migration Service as a subject of counteraction to the commission of administrative offenses by foreigners in the conditions of the introduction of the legal regime of martial law.
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