criminal offense, convict, staff, places of imprisonment, prevention, correctional colony.Abstract
The article provides a thorough analysis of the types of criminal offenses committed by convicts in places of detention of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine (SCSU). It has been proven that the commission of a criminal offense of free will by convicts in places of deprivation of liberty is not only a dangerous encroachment on the goal and task of justice and the normal operation of the penal institutions of the State Security Service of Ukraine, but also prevents the achievement of the goal of punishment and, above all, its counteraction and prevention. Among the most important theoretical and practical issues that have influenced judicial and executive practice and that currently require elaboration and research, the author includes such high-profile criminal offenses as: malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of the penal institution; actions that disorganize the work of penal institutions; escape from the place of deprivation of liberty or from custody. The greatest danger in the correctional colonies of Ukraine is criminal offenses combined with an attack by convicts on the guards in order to remove obstacles to the implementation of the plan and to take possession of weapons, which they use for armed resistance during their subsequent detention, as well as to commit new crimes. The author’s definition of a criminal offense in places of deprivation of liberty of the State Security Service of Ukraine is formulated. This is a socially dangerous act (action or inaction), committed by a special subject, in places of deprivation of liberty of the State Security Service of Ukraine and which encroaches on the goal and task of justice and the normal operation of institutions for the execution of punishments, as well as prevents the achievement of the goal of punishment, correction and resocialization of convicts.
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