family, family legal relations, subjects of family legal relations, property, marriage, spouses, joint property.Abstract
Understanding the legal status of the family is important in law enforcement. The concept of family legal relations and their types are defined by the Code of Marriage and Family of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Family legal relations in family law regulate almost all spheres of life and relations in the family. The content of family legal relations is formed by the legal and responsibilities of the participants. At the same time, the transfer of any rights of participants in family relations is strictly prohibited, since family legal relations, the types of which are both non-property and property. Non-property relationships of a personal nature include the conclusion or dissolution of marriage, the birth of a child or its adoption, this also includes decisions that spouses make together – for example, choosing a surname and other points related to joint life. This is also where the duties of raising a child, its education and other important aspects of life are carried out. Personal non-property legal relations of family members are regulated by law. Despite the fact that personal non-property relations prevail in the family, as they are determined by the very essence of marriage and kinship, most of them are outside the scope of legal regulation. In this regard, the article establishes a circle of contracts in family law that regulate both property and non-property relations of the subjects of family relations, their features are revealed based on the analysis of the legal consequences of concluding such contracts, as well as those caused not only by non-property nature, but also family-law nature and modernization of the specified articles, can be additional protection for disabled family members.
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