employee of the National Police, criminal responsibility, criminal offense.Abstract
The purpose of the work is to develop a definition of the concept of criminal offenses committed by employees of the National Police. Methodology. To achieve the goal of the work, dialectical, systemic-structural and formal-logical methods were used. Scientific novelty. The proposed author’s definition of the concept of criminal offenses committed by employees of the National Police, taking into account the criminal-legal and criminological features of these acts. It has been proven that the employees of the National Police are special subjects of those criminal offenses that they commit in connection with the use of their official position and/or authority. Employees of the National Police are criminally liable on general grounds for committing other criminal offenses. Specific features of the investigated offenses are specified: 1) an employee of the National Police means a person who serves in the National Police, holds a certain position and is officially allowed to perform official duties; 2) the criminally illegal activity of police officers is determined by their official powers; 3) the use of the rights and/or powers granted to a police officer, due to his official position, significantly increases the nature and degree of public danger of criminal offenses committed by him; 4) the vast majority of criminal offenses committed by police officers is characterized by an intentional form of guilt in which the guilty person is aware of the illegality of using not only his powers, but also those that are not covered by his competence, that is, those that go beyond the legally defined limits. Conclusions. The concept of criminal offenses committed by employees of the National Police is part of the terminology in the field of criminal law measures to prevent police crime.
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