operative and investigative activity, human rights, restriction of rights, crime, illegal activity, society, security.Abstract
The article is devoted to the coverage of the social and legal justification of the restriction of the rights of citizens in operative and investigative activities in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that every society, every state is not immune from illegal manifestations committed by individuals and causing damage to society as a whole. Moreover, russia’s external aggression makes an additional correction to the public perception of restrictions on the rights of citizens in law enforcement activities for the public good. It is the lofty goal of operative search measures the protection of citizens from illegal encroachments that justifies the temporary limitation of their constitutional rights. Taking into account the fact that the legitimate restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms in operative investigative activity, according to a formal assessment, can be equated with their violation, the question arises whether the introduction of martial law will affect the protection of rights and whether it will lead to arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement agencies. However, unjustified caution or indecision in obtaining operational information, including through the implementation of OIA, can pose a threat not only to individuals, but also to the country’s defense capability in general. After all, among the persons with regard to whom there is operative information regarding illegal activities, there may be representatives of sabotage and intelligence groups of the enemy, who are planning sabotage in the rear. Russia’s external aggression makes an additional correction to the public perception of restrictions on the rights of citizens in law enforcement activities for the public good. The lofty goal of operative investigative activity protecting citizens from illegal encroachments justifies the temporary limitation of their constitutional rights. At the same time, the level of regulation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the forms of their limitation at the legislative level, are not such that they correspond to the real operative and investigative situation and the conditions of martial law.
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