operative and search activities, psychology of operative and search activities, psycho emotional condition, operative employee, mental phenomena, motivation, efficiency.Abstract
The article highlights the impact of the psycho-emotional condition of an operative employee on the effectiveness of operative and search activities. The effectiveness of all investigative activities depends on the psycho-emotional condition of the operative employee. Knowledge of psycho-emotional condition and the ability to recognize them in time should be possessed by every operative employee. The adequacy of such a decision to the situation and the effectiveness of subsequent measures implemented on the basis of such a decision will depend on the psycho-emotional condition a person is in at the time of making a decision. Even the involvement of information and analytical technologies in the process of information processing, the final decision depends on the «human factor», which sometimes causes negative consequences in one or another activity. It was determined that for timely recognition and prevention of negative consequences from a bad psycho-emotional condition, it is necessary to take into account that mental phenomena play a decisive role in the psychological structure of the personality of an employee of an operative unit. It is noted that the knowledge of psychological phenomena will form relevant knowledge about the personality of an operative employee, will allow the use of this knowledge during planning and carrying out operative and search activities. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that in order to appropriately adjust the psychological condition of an operative employee in order to increase the effectiveness of his operative and search activities, it is necessary to take into account motivation, which is one of the main psychological phenomena that explains the driving force of all his life activities and behavior. Knowledge of professionally significant psychological properties and qualities of an operative employee and the ability to recognize psycho-emotional condition will allow for the correct selection of appropriate performers, allocation of tasks, etc. Without such knowledge and skills, it is difficult for the manager to organize the effective implementation of operative and search activities in the unit.
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