morality, law, criminal offense, investigation, investigative (search) action, simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons.Abstract
The organizational and tactical features of simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons during the investigation of criminal offenses against morality were studied. The organizational and tactical features of simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons during the investigation of criminal offenses against morality were studied. The investigation of criminal offenses against morality obliges authorized persons (investigator, investigator and prosecutor) to carry out all possible procedural actions as efficiently and quickly as possible until its indictment. That is, from the moment of entering information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations and before drawing up the indictment, the indicated persons must conduct the maximum number of investigative (search) actions, covert investigative (search) actions and other procedural actions, which will ensure the objectivity of the decision made. Among the specified actions, simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons occupies an important place. In terms of the investigated category of illegal acts, its implementation is extremely important, since a large number of persons (victims, witnesses and suspects) are involved in their commission. At the same time, in most cases, they all provide somewhat or completely contradictory indications. Due to the implementation of the specified procedural action, it is possible to eliminate these contradictions or inaccuracies. Measures of an organizational and preparatory nature have been defined, among which the following are highlighted: identification of persons between whom simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons will be conducted and the sequence of their interrogation; establishment of circumstances to be ascertained. The analysis of the survey of respondents indicates the highest efficiency of the questioning between two people – 99 %. In the course of the study, it was found that the indicated investigative (search) action was carried out in 68 % of cases between members of an organized group or criminal organization (pimp, recruiter), pimp and witness – 21 %, pimp and victim – 10 %, victims – 1 %. On the basis of the conducted research, we identified the most effective tactical techniques of simultaneous interrogation: the use of contradictions in an organized group or criminal organization (for example, between a pimp and a prostitute), involving the interrogated in a dispute. In addition, establishing psychological contact and presenting evidence will be important tactical techniques.
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