


reintegration, territorial integrity, state border, annexation, deoccupation, reintegration mechanism, temporarily occupied territories, human rights and freedoms, institutional system, public authorities


The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal characteristics of the concept of «reintegration of temporarily occupied territories». Attention is drawn to the fact that the main goal of modern science is to conduct research on the essence of the processes of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories and justify, on the basis of this, the key directions of the corresponding state policy, the formulation of basic concepts and categories, one of which is the term «reintegration of temporarily occupied territories», which has not been sufficiently studied in science. It is noted that the lack of appropriate scientific developments negatively affects both the state of law enforcement and the quality of legislation. The definition of the concept of «reintegration of temporarily occupied territories» is formulated, under which it is proposed to understand a system of complex, consistent political and legal measures, which are defined and implemented by public authorities and local self-government bodies with the aim of returning temporarily occupied territories to the legal system of Ukraine based on the principles of unified sovereignty and territorial integrity, the humanitarian association of residents of these territories, as well as the restoration of their rights and freedoms, as well as social and humanitarian measures to restore active social life, create appropriate conditions for return and adaptation, and provide various support, including social, medical, psychological and material. As a conclusion, it is stated that the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories represents a wide range of measures and should take place in all key directions of legal, ethno-national, humanitarian and social policies.


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How to Cite

Selikhov, D. (2024). THEORETICAL AND LEGAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONCEPT «REINTEGRATION OF TEMPORARY OCCUPIED TERRITORIES». Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 25–30.

