municipal guard, communal enterprise, public order and security, coercion, interaction.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of the activity of the municipal guard in Ukraine and defines the prospects for its further activity. It is emphasized that the widespread European trend of modern times is the decentralization of the police and the implementation of the principle of joint responsibility for the state of public safety and order in the territory of the police service, which is the embodiment of the general practice of "Community policing". The latter has been successfully implemented in the activities of police structures in many developed countries of the world. It was concluded that this involves the delegation of certain police functions to non-state structures, which allows to a certain extent to «relieve» the state police from considering and solving ordinary conflict situations and typical offenses that are not distinguished by a high degree of public danger. To maintain the level of law and order at the appropriate level, local authorities in Ukraine are creating fundamentally new structures endowed with separate police functions – the municipal guard. It is substantiated that the concentration of significant powers within one institution on the territory of the community will result in increased corruption risks and potential abuse of office. Therefore, it is advisable to reject the prerogative of the municipal guard to carry out security activities. On the other hand, the legislative consolidation of this institution requires, first of all, the determination of the principles and standards of activity of municipal guard units, their arrangement and accounting. Without this, it is considered impossible to talk about proper control and supervision of this institution. The following are the prospective directions of municipal guard activity in Ukraine: a) adoption of the Basic Law; b) standardization – adoption of the Model Charter; c) establishment of the upper limits of the number of personnel and funding; d) unification of uniform.
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