accountability, responsibility, local self-government, decentralization, European integration.Abstract
The article examines the content of the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies through the prism of legislation and scientific research of foreign countries. It was emphasized that after signing the Association Agreement with the European Union and receiving the status of a candidate for membership in the commonwealth, the integration of Ukraine into the EU and NATO as a national consensus reached a higher quality level. The reform of decentralization of power, which is part of the European integration course, is objectively connected with the reception of the best practices of local government functions in foreign countries. Attention is focused on the fact that, in contrast to the models of local government and the activities of the bodies representing it, the unfamiliar experience of implementing the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies in domestic and foreign science has been insufficiently researched. One of the essential prerequisites for realizing various local interests is the formation of effective territorial communities, the legislative determination of their status and competence, and the implementation of the principles of effective self-government. Furthermore, Ukraine is at a defining stage of decentralization reform, which should fundamentally change approaches to the social purpose of local self-government and legislative regulation of the activities of local self-government bodies by European standards. Given this, the functional role of local self-government bodies should be strengthened in combination with accountability and responsibility for their activities. It is concluded that there are common positions in the interpretation of accountability and responsibility of local authorities in the scientific works of foreign authors and the legislation of the EU member states. Accountability implies that local self-government bodies and officials must report on their activities, taking into account the public’s suggestions by providing information through appropriate means so that there is an opportunity for internal and external monitoring. It is emphasized that accountability should be considered in combination with responsibility, and its content is revealed.
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