International Criminal Court, cooperation, Rome Statute, ratification, prosecution, war crimesAbstract
The article is devoted to consideration of the issue of formation and development of Ukraine’s cooperation with the International Criminal Court. It is noted that the International Criminal Court is a permanent international body of justice whose activities are regulated by the Rome Statute. The article draws attention to the fact that the International Criminal Court only complements the national system of justice bodies, in no way replacing any of them. An analysis of the key stages of establishing Ukraine’s cooperation with the International Criminal Court was carried out. The article determined that for the first time, Ukraine, not being a state party to the Rome Statute, recognized the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and used the opportunity to cooperate back in 2014–2015. However, the need to establish an effective, integrated mechanism of interaction arose precisely with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The article draws attention to the addition of Chapter IX-2 “Peculiarities of cooperation with the International Criminal Court” to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, which details the mechanism of Ukraine’s cooperation with the International Criminal Court, defines the scope and procedure of such cooperation. The problems of implementation of the norms of the Rome Statute into the national legislation are studied, attention is focused on the factors necessary for its ratification by Ukraine. The importance of Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute was emphasized, particularly in the context of supplementing the Criminal Code of Ukraine with new norms. Conclusions were made regarding the prospects of Ukraine’s further cooperation with the International Criminal Court, increasing its effectiveness.
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