sanctions, international sanctions, scientific views, consequences of sanctions, theory of sanctionsAbstract
The article examines the genesis of scientific views on the institution of international sanctions, explains the concept of “sanctions” using a comparative approach, identifies the classification of sanctions currently applied by the international community and establishes the determinants of their application. The author also analyzed recent studies and publications that highlight the research issues. Particular attention was paid to the retrospective and development of this institution. The author analyzed the Academic Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language and the definitions of the concept of “sanction”. A separate part of the article is the analysis of the classification of sanctions and the characteristics of this classification. The theoretical component and the results of practical activities allowed the author to distinguish two main types of international legal sanctions. This study suggests that theoretical science has not only developed the institution of sanctions processes over time, but has also identified a classification series for a more detailed and thorough study of the institution of sanctions. There are different types of sanctions, such as economic sanctions, international sanctions, embargoes and diplomatic sanctions. Sanctions put pressure on countries that threaten peace, pursue harmful policies, or violate international law. Sanctions can also be imposed on specific individuals or organizations. Sanctions are a common strategy used to persuade foreign governments and individuals to change their behavior. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) can impose sanctions in response to threats to global peace and security. Thus, sanctions are an effective foreign policy tool used to deter certain political actors from taking actions or decisions that may ultimately be destructive to the international community.
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