territorial community, state administration, digitalization, scientific and educational space, decentralization, public administration reforms.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the functioning of public administration reforms. The issue of regional development in Ukraine under the conditions of integration into the European and world economic space, which needs significant modernization based on the implementation of the principles of decentralization, balance, competition and sustainable development, has been studied. The level of legal development of public administration reforms is analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that at the current stage of the development of the decentralized reform, the constitutional foundations of local self-government have been laid, the European Charter of Local Self-Government has been ratified, and basic regulatory and legal documents have been adopted. It was noted that during the development of the Ukrainian state, the social significance of the problems of managing the scientific and educational space in the whole world increased significantly. It is noted that currently the issues of finding new strategic approaches to managing the development of territories, aimed at reducing the differentiation of the level of socio-economic development of the regions by equalizing the conditions of economic activity, rational use of the production and resource potential of the regions, achieving sustainable economic growth, increase in socio-economic indicators of the standard of living of Ukrainian citizens. It is indicated that the education management mechanisms that have been formed for several decades are undergoing significant changes in many countries due to the reformation of national education systems and administrative reforms. The view on the system of representative power and leadership related to certain issues of leadership, mainly political, personal characteristics of the leader and resources for achieving leadership goals is outlined. It has been proven that the peculiarities of public life, strict requirements for personal and professional qualities of managers demonstrate the importance and urgent need for leadership development in the system of professional service in representative authorities. It was established that among the unresolved issues of the formation and development of leadership in the system of representative power of Ukraine should be attributed the lack of comprehensive processing of problems aimed at efficiency and effectiveness, meeting the needs of residents of territorial communities and activating initiative and taking responsibility for solving issues of proper livelihood of citizens and assessment problems and development of leadership in representative power.
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