family, family functions psych traumatic experiences, pathogenic situation, neuropsychiatric disorders, deviation, violence.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study the functioning of such a social institution as the family during the war. The work emphasizes that military actions have a negative impact not only on the psyche and behavior of individuals, but also on family relationships in general. The work indicates the main functions of the family such as: educational, reproductive, emotional, economic, spiritual, social control, sexual, regenerative and psychotherapeutic. The study also highlights the issue of the transformation of the mentioned traditional functions of the family during the war period, outlines a number of problems that faced the family in such a difficult time forced migration, and the transformation of family roles, and the problems of personal relationships between spouses, the weakening of the material and psychological (protective) family functions, instability of life family plans. The work considers the consequences of the impact of difficulties on the psyche of family members, in particular, the psychopathological factors of neuropsychological disorders that cause disruptions in family life and lead to somatic personality disorders. The study focuses attention on the problem of the educational functions of the family in the situation of permanent military conflict, which has been ongoing on the territory of our country since 2014. The article raises the issue of child-parent relations in refugee families, problems of family violence, and deviant behavior of teenagers. Affectivity as irritation, dissatisfaction, concern, anxiety about children become obsessive for parents; it prevents them from fulfilling educational and bringing up functions to the full extent. The research outlines the issue of deviant motherhood, namely, unwanted pregnancy of raped women and girls during the occupation. Therefore, studies of the viability of the family in wartime continue and raise a number of problems that must be considered by specialists in various fields of science and practice.
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