corruption crime, criminological security, national security, law enforcement agencies, investigator, criminological characteristics, subjects of preventionAbstract
The article raises the problem of organized corruption. It is noted that organized corruption crime is definitely related to the causes and conditions of its occurrence. Unfortunately, during the years of independence, corruption relations in Ukraine have spread significantly and penetrated into all spheres of society's life, and organized corruption crime has also changed its color. She especially showed herself in the political, economic, medical and law enforcement spheres. In order to change the society's tolerant attitude towards organized corruption crime, it is first necessary to convince the public that the problem of corruption is vital for the entire population of the country, and therefore its overcoming should begin with oneself. At the level of consciousness, let's overcome corrupt relations in ourselves - let's take the first step towards overcoming it in general. Only under this condition will we be able to have some success in overcoming organized corruption crime. It has been proven that organized corruption crime is a threat to the country's national security. Four criminological threats are distinguished: political, ideological, economic and social. It is noted that the role of criminological characteristics in preventing organized corruption. It was established that before the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the society was pathologically patient with organized corruption crime, while the financial reward for the services of this or that official was usually perceived as a completely normal phenomenon. Therefore, it is natural that the financial situation of officials improves noticeably when they join the power structures, but this is not at all related to the payment of their work. It is noted that after our victory over the enemy, organized corruption crime should go far into the corner, or on the contrary, burst out in all its manifestations. The specified entities of prevention of organized corruption crime in Ukraine have been determined.
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