


employment contract, employee, employer, termination of employment contract, dissolution, temporary suspension, downtime.


The article is focused on the problem of scientific research of the legal mechanism of the temporary suspension of the employment contract in connection with the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine due to the military aggression of the russian federation. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the temporary suspension of the employment contract is a temporary measure in the field of labor. The purpose of the study is to ensure the minimum necessary rights and guarantees of employees under the conditions of compliance with the procedure defined by the law. The study considered changes to the national labor legislation, which were adopted in order to protect the labor rights of employees in modern conditions. A scientific study of individual forms of labor organization under martial law was conducted. The concepts of "temporary suspension of an employment contract", "dissolution of an employment contract", "dismissal of an employee", "time off", "suspension of an employment contract", etc have been systematized. The introduction of legislative norms enabled employees and employers to overcome crisis phenomena, reduce the number of layoffs, minimize unemployment, and save jobs. A new concept in labor law is being studied: "temporary suspension of an employment contract". Given that this is a new term in labor legislation, it needs scientific research and is relevant. Taking into account the conducted research, a legal conclusion was made that the terms "temporary suspension of the employment contract" and "termination of the employment contract" and "dissolution of the employment contract" cannot be considered as synonyms. Suspension of the employment contract does not entail the termination of employment relations and may occur at the initiative of one of the parties. This term can be no longer than the period of martial law. Also, "suspension of the employment contract" differs from the concept of " downtime." In contrast to "downtime ", during the period of "suspension of the employment contract", the employer cannot pay the employee a salary, and its payment in full will be entrusted to the state that carried out armed aggression against Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Kyian, V. (2024). REGARDING THE TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 469–475.