transaction, agreement, deal, civil law, legislation, legal relations.Abstract
The article is devoted to the research of the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the concept of "transaction" in the civil law and legislation of Ukraine. A historical excursion was conducted regarding the use of the term "transaction" in the Civil Codes of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Ukraine. Thus, the Civil Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of 1922 contained Section IV, which was entitled "Transaction" with the definition of the concept as "actions aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil legal relations, can be unilateral and mutual (agreements)". In the Civil Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of 1963, the term "transaction" was replaced by the term "deal" with a similar definition. In the current Civil Code of Ukraine of 2003, there is a separate Chapter "Transactions". Argumentation about the reasons for these terminological transformations is given. The replacement of the term "transaction" in the Civil Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1922 by the term "deal" in the Civil Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1963 was due to attacks on the Ukrainian legal vocabulary, with the aim of bringing it closer to Russian-language counterparts. The return of the term "transaction" to the normative legal vocabulary, practical and scientific usage is due to the need to restore Ukrainian traditions, including in the field of lawmaking. The signs of the transaction are listed. Despite their normative consolidation in the Explanation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, various scientific positions on their content are given, and the author's opinion is expressed. Aspects of the correlation between the concepts of "transaction", "agreement", "deal" are revealed. The conclusion was made about the necessity of consolidation these concepts in the Civil Code of Ukraine, which reflect a comparative characteristic with reference to the author's proposals. The following definitions are proposed for amendments to the text of the Civil Code of Ukraine: "transaction" – an act of a person/persons aimed at acquiring, changing or terminating civil rights and obligations"; "agreement – a bilateral or multilateral transaction"; "deal – an agreement between the parties of the transaction regarding any requirements".
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