


pedagogical worker, martial law, labour relations, legal regulation.


The scientific article is devoted to the peculiarities of legal regulation of the pedagogical workers labour relations during martial law. The source base of the study was legislative and by-laws that regulate the specifics of labour relations during martial law, including in the field of education. During the past year, several scientific works were published, devoted to the peculiarities of labour relations during martial law. The specifics of the labour relations of educators during martial law have been established. Specifics of legal regulation of working hours, rest time, pay, and specifics of hiring, termination of employment relations are determined. Among the features of the legal regulation of the pedagogical worker's labour relations, it is worth mentioning the possibility of involvement in the liquidation of the consequences of hostilities, the introduction of a remote form of the educational process, the urgent dismissal of the employee at the time he requests, in case of location of the educational institution in the area of hostilities. It is worth paying attention to the need to pay for downtime in the amount of two-thirds of the tariff rate, to keep the place of work and the average salary. Changes in the labour legislation allow for the possibility of dismissal of an employee who does not appear at work for four consecutive months, does not get in touch, and about whom there is no information about his whereabouts. It was emphasized that it is necessary to harmonize the norms of legislative acts that regulate the labour relations of employees during martial law and the provisions of the legislation on education in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the need to develop a number of by-laws for the implementation of laws on the peculiarities of the work of educators during the war.


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How to Cite

Havrylenko, O., & Vasyliev, S. (2024). LEGAL REGULATION OF THE FEATURES OF LABOUR RELATIONS OF TEACHING EMPLOYEES UNDER MARITAL LAW. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 425–431.