mass riots, criminal offense, investigation, investigative (search) action, inspection of the scene, inspection of items.Abstract
The organizational and tactical features of carrying out certain types of inspection during the investigation of mass riots under martial law were studied. In the conditions of a military conflict, all processes in the state acquire their own characteristics. The process of investigating criminal offenses is no exception. On the one hand, the procedural procedure for carrying out individual procedural actions and measures has not changed, but on the other hand, the organization and tactics of conducting individual investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions in various categories of criminal proceedings have changed somewhat. In particular, the investigation of criminal offenses against public order also received its specificity. The most characteristic features, given the military conditions, are criminal proceedings based on the fact of committing mass riots. This is due to a number of circumstances: an increase in the number of weapons and explosive substances; the growth of negatively-minded citizens; the influence of Russian propaganda. The list of persons who can participate in the inspection of the scene of the event under martial law conditions has been determined. In particular, mandatory participants: an authorized person (investigator, investigator, prosecutor), employees of criminal police units (to protect the scene of the incident, observe the behavior of various persons, survey the surrounding area, interview eyewitnesses, conduct operational and search activities), specialists of the explosives service National Police of Ukraine; optional participants: an employee as needed to identify and remove individual traces of an illegal act; an inspector of the security service or security service of the object being inspected. It was found out that it is necessary to apply different methods of movement on the territory of mass riots in the conditions of martial law (eccentric, concentric, frontal and others) depending on the size of the territory itself and the actions that were committed on it. It has been established that the following things can be examined most often during the investigation of mass riots: various firearms and melee weapons, ammunition and explosive objects, substances.
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