administrative offense, criminal offense, crime, violence, violence in the family, types of domestic violence.Abstract
The study deals with the conceptual and categorical aspects of such terms as "violence", "domestic violence", "offenses related to domestic violence. The norms of international acts are given, which reveal the concept of domestic violence (UN international acts, in particular, the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women and the Model Law on Domestic Violence). It is indicated that the Model Law on Domestic Violence has a significant flaw in that it only considers cases of violence against women. Examples of understanding the concept of domestic violence in the legislative acts of foreign countries (Great Britain, etc.) are considered. It is indicated that in the Criminal Code of Slovenia, Art. 191 uses the term "violence in the family", and the Criminal Code of Croatia uses the term "domestic violence". Definitions of the concept of "domestic violence" by various Ukrainian researchers are given. Attention is also focused on the positions of researchers regarding the content of the concept of offenses related to domestic violence. It is concluded that the concept of an offense related to domestic violence is broader than the concept of domestic violence in the sense of Art. 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine or Art. 173-2 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses. For example, in Art. 126-1 does not mention such a type of domestic violence as sexual violence (sexual violence is discussed, for example, in Articles 152-156 of the Criminal Code), which is mentioned in the Law "On Prevention and Counteraction of Domestic Violence". It is emphasized that criminal offenses related to domestic violence do not necessarily have to be systematic and can be divided into criminal offenses related to domestic violence of a physical nature; related to domestic violence of a psychological nature; related to domestic violence of an economic nature; related to domestic violence of a sexual nature.
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