discrimination, gender, violence, rape, gender equality, gender-based violence, pyramid of hatred, sexism.Abstract
The article examines such a form of discrimination based on gender as gender-based violence, which is based on gender inequality. The author notes that gender-based violence is a gross violation of the principle of equality. Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination based on sex and can take the form of rape, sexual violence, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation, human trafficking, etc. Violence is the most dangerous form of discrimination on the basis of gender, which has acquired a new sound in the conditions of martial law. Ukrainian society is characterized by structural discrimination, which occurs at the level of state institutions and at the legislative level. The existence and functioning of a whole system of relations and state mechanism that protect the rights of one group (men) while oppressing the rights of another (women) is observed. Structural discrimination can be eliminated by changing the legislation, bringing it into line with democratic principles and European standards, and real empowerment of women. It is more difficult to eliminate "domestic" discrimination, since the majority of women do not even notice that discriminatory behavior is taking place in relation to them, because they are used to considering it as a normal phenomenon. The directions for preventing gender-based violence as a form of discrimination are: 1) expansion of women's rights and opportunities (equal pay, access to power); 2) raising the level of public awareness (education, trainings, seminars, supplementing educational programs with educational disciplines on anti-discrimination topics, adoption and informing about the content of ethical codes of conduct in educational institutions, enterprises, institutions, organizations); 3) improvement of legislation (both with regard to the elimination of legislative prerequisites for discrimination, and with regard to the legislative provision of legal grounds for bringing guilty persons to justice) 4) improvement of the effectiveness of criminal justice bodies (in terms of changing the attitude towards this category of cases, reviewing the procedural context in the cases of the investigated categories, taking into account foreign experience and practice of the European Court of Human Rights); 5) representation of women in all spheres of social life.
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