constitution, management of state affairs, referendum, all-Ukrainian referendum, local referendum, state authorities, local self-government bodies.Abstract
The article examines the provisions of the relevant norms of the constitutions of Ukraine and European states, which enshrine the right to participate in the management of state affairs, in all-Ukrainian and local referendums, to freely elect and be elected to state and local self-government bodies. Based on the comparative analysis, a conclusion was made about the compliance of the provisions of Art. 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine to the requirements of international legal acts in the field of human rights. It is noted that among the constitutional political rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, a significant place is occupied by the right to participate in the management of state affairs, in all-Ukrainian and local referendums, to freely elect and be elected to state authorities and local self-government bodies, which is understood as active, public, voluntary, purposeful, legal activity of citizens of Ukraine in the sphere of the exercise of state power, which is guaranteed by enshrining the relevant subjective right in the Constitution of Ukraine, and which aims to form and control the activities of state bodies of all branches of state power, influence on adoption, implementation and control for the implementation of state decisions for citizens to implement their socially significant interests and ensure normal functioning, stable development and social order in the state, as well as the implementation of European standards and values in all spheres of human life. It was emphasized that the right of citizens to participate in the management of state affairs is a complex systemic entity, which is combined in the Constitution of Ukraine in one article with the right to vote, the right to participate in referendums, and the right to equal access to public service. It was noted that the constitutions of European states are characterized by both similarities and certain differences. The results of the study of the content of their provisions indicate that they provide legal regulation of this right to participate in the management of state affairs in different ways. Thus, this right is set forth in two articles in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, and in three articles in the Constitution of Serbia. These rights are also highlighted in various articles in the constitutions of Armenia, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Finland and Switzerland. At the same time, in the constitutions of Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Denmark and Sweden, the studied right was not reflected at the constitutional level. It is noted that the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine as a whole meets the requirements of international legal acts in the field of human rights and does not require changes. It was concluded that the provisions of Art. 38 Constitutions of Ukraine meaningfully correspond and correlate with international documents in the field of human rights and do not require further modernization.
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