medical and legal criminal offenses, determination, wartime, macro, micro, individual levels of determination, causes and conditions of medical and legal criminal offenses.Abstract
The article identifies the main causes and conditions of medical and criminal offenses by the staff of military medical units, units and institutions, as well as medical workers of municipal, public, private health care facilities in wartime. The author has found that among the actual and key problems of criminology, which have important theoretical and practical significance, was and remains the study of the causes of criminal offenses, both in general and of their individual types. This also applies to the problem of preventing the commission of criminal offenses. This is explained by the fact that the scientific study of various aspects of offenses can have a positive effect on reducing the severity of existing problems faced by society. The causes and conditions of medico-legal criminal offenses are derived from the general causes and conditions of crime in our country and are interconnected with the integration processes and components of reforming the medical industry of Ukraine. Despite the fact that Ukraine is in the process of restructuring and transformation of the health care system, which signals a number of gradual changes in the medical field and indicates the presence of positive dynamics in the Ukrainian European integration processes, the lack of improvement of legal regulation of this area and proper control over the activities of sub- entities providing medical services can lead to catastrophic consequences. That is precisely why the nature of medico-legal criminal offenses has a special socially dangerous character. The situation becomes more complicated when it comes to martial law, which is introduced in the country or some of its localities in the event of armed aggression or a threat of attack. It is in the conditions of unbalanced activities of the legislative and executive authorities, interdepartmental structures, sectors of the economy and health care that the probability of committing criminal offenses by medical workers can reach critical indicators, since most of them have to work in extreme situations, which consist in a violation of the usual way of life and disorganization of the life support system of entire regions. The analysis of the determinants of the illegal behavior of medical workers during the war allowed us to conclude that such behavior is caused by a number of criminogenic factors, the main of which are socio-economic, political, legal, organizational-management, ideological, social-psychological and cultural-educational. Organizational-management and social-psychological factors can be considered dominant among the reasons and conditions for the commission of medico-legal criminal offenses by medical workers in wartime, which is natural and predictable, taking into account the problem of reactivity to stress and the presence of physiological and psycho-emotional changes due to the occurrence of stressful situations.
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