civil society, European institutions, protection of human rights, international legal acts, rule-making, transitional justice, post-conflict states.Abstract
The article analyzes the international legal acts of the EU in the field of transitional justice. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the practical application of the model of transitional justice should be based on international legal acts, which are formed at the global and regional levels. The author assumes that the international legal acts of the EU in the field of transitional justice have an ideological significance and serve as a benchmark for the post-conflict development of the state, since the restoration of rights and the development of the legal system take place through international legal mechanisms. It has been proven that EU rule-making is individualized at the level of certain categories of persons (victims of the conflict, displaced persons, guilty persons). The author notes that within the framework of the EU, a system of international legal acts has been formed that relate to issues of transitional justice. It has been established that the EU's rule-making in this area is quite limited, since it is mostly about documents that define the general principles of the participation of European institutions in transitional processes. The author notes excessive politicization of issues of transitional justice in the rulemaking of European institutions. It was found that a significant number of international legal acts of the EU in the field of transitional justice contain auxiliary mechanisms for the implementation of certain areas of transitional justice (search for historical truth, criminal prosecution of the guilty, etc.). It has been established that the EU rule-making in the field of transitional justice is based on acts of the global level, that is, documents of the United Nations Organization.
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