Constitution of Ukraine, national constitutional legislation, legal liability, constitutional-legal liability, constitutional-legal liability of collaborators, criminal liability for collaborative activity.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to actualize the problem of constitutional and legal liability of collaborators, the theoretical understanding of which is a necessary prerequisite for the improvement of national constitutional legislation, as well as for the practical implementation of its norms by law enforcement entities endowed with jurisdictional powers. It has been noted that, in the author's opinion, the constitutional and legal liability of collaborators should become a powerful safeguard against various manifestations of separatism and collaborationism, along with the military successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and not as an alternative to criminal liability, but as its complement. Such a proposal does not contradict the prescription of Part 1 of Art. 61 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which no one can be brought twice to the same type of legal responsibility for the same offense. Adverse consequences for subjects of constitutional and legal responsibility are mainly characterized by limitations of an organizational nature, but do not exclude limitations of a personal nature. These include, in particular, termination of Ukrainian citizenship or deprivation of the right to participate in the management of state affairs, in all-Ukrainian and local referendums, to freely elect and be elected to state and local self-government bodies (Article 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine). Therefore, the application of such restrictions as the manifestation of constitutional and legal responsibility is possible only after making appropriate changes to the Basic Law of the Ukrainian State, as well as other legislative acts.
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