



bar association, advocates’ monopoly, representation of another individual in court, professional lawyer’s aid, right of access to court, minor cases.


The article deals with the issue of «advocates’ monopoly» in the context of access to justice. The acute social relevance of the issue of the existence of a «advocates’ monopoly» in Ukraine is substantiated. In particular, the concept of «advocates’ monopoly» has been investigated. It is emphasized that the concept of «professional lawyer’s aid» is not identical to the concept of «representing the interests of another individual in court». Also, attention is drawn to the fact that due to a number of factors, the «professional lawyer’s aid» of the advocate is much more expensive than the services of a lawyer who does not have the status of an advocate. Separate procedural moments through which a person may not receive compensation for the costs of professional lawyer’s aid are investigated. Judicial practice has been studied, in connection with which the success fee is not included in the total legal costs. The issue of disproportion of administrative fines to the cost of professional lawyer’s aid is considered, as a result of which the access of persons to justice is limited. Attention is drawn to the fact that non-property claims are not minor cases and, accordingly, require the «professional lawyer’s aid». It is concluded that it is necessary to abolish the «advocates’ monopoly» due to the violation of the right of the most vulnerable part of the population of Ukraine the access to justice. It is argued that the adoption of the bill № 1013 by 29.08.2019 «On amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding the abolition of the advocates’ monopoly)» is of primary social importance.


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How to Cite

Moiseіenko D. (2024). «ADVOCATES’ MONOPOLY» AND THE ACCESS TO JUSTICE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 244–249. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-244-249