


Constitution, rest, right to rest, vacation, annual leave.


The article examines the constitutional practice of normative regulation of the right to rest enshrined in Art. 45 of the Constitution of Ukraine, and the corresponding norms of the constitutions of European states. There is a well-founded need to set out the specified norm in accordance with the requirements of international human rights documents. It has been noted that the right to rest is of particular importance for the restoration of health, physical and mental abilities of workers, which is given the least attention in the legal literature than other constitutional human rights. The authors have found that the right to rest is an internationally recognized right, which is reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Social Charter (revised), as well as in various formulations and volumes enshrined in constitutions of most European states. It has been emphasized that despite the significant diversity of the constitutional norms of European states regarding the right to rest, there is a certain similarity between them in the principles of regulation of this right, the norms of international legal acts on human rights are being implemented into national legislation. It has been noted that the rules of the constitutions of European states use different terminology to designate the subjects of the right to rest. It has been emphasized that in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, martial law was introduced in Ukraine, according to which some constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, in particular the right to rest, may be temporarily limited, and the Law of Ukraine "On the organization of labor relations in the conditions of martial law", according to which, during the period of martial law, the provision of annual basic leave to an employee by the decision of the employer may be limited to 24 calendar days for the current working year. And in the event that the duration of an employee's annual basic leave is more than 24 calendar days, the provision of unused days of such leave during the period of martial law is transferred to the period after the termination or cancellation of martial law. The authors have proposed, taking into account the European experience of the constitutional and legal regulation of the right to rest, the provisions of Art. 45 of the Constitution of Ukraine shall be amended as follows: "Everyone who works has the right to rest. This right is guaranteed by establishing the maximum duration of working hours and the minimum duration of rest, providing weekends and holidays, paid annual leave, as well as implementing other conditions provided for by law".


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How to Cite

Kyrychenko, Y., & Riazanova, N. (2024). THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL REGULATION OF THE RIGHT TO REST IN UKRAINE AND IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 235–239.