inductiveness, communication, performativity, performativity utterances, pragmatics of the text, predicativeness of communication, communication technique.Abstract
The article reveals the features of modern dimensions of the informativeness category in legislative texts. The aim of this paper is to establish the regularities of the functioning of the scientific and educational texts with the focus on the study of specific categories of text linguistics. Modern approaches to the study of informativeness as the main category of the text are considered. The author considers the issues of text linguistics categorical apparatus united by shared characteristics, the most essential properties, and phenomena of the objective world. They include all linguistic ideas that integrate with interdisciplinary sciences – philosophy, psychology, lexicology, ethics, linguistics, and stylistics. It is emphasized that the specificity of a particular type of activity corresponds to a particular style, which is known through the text and determines the text categories The notion ‘category of text linguistics’ as of a meaningful system with the certain structure of the defined category was justified. Informativeness is characterized as a feature that constructs the text of the legislative level. The essential characteristics of legislative discourse texts are presented. Attention is focused on redundant information, which leads to collapse, restriction, or formation of co-rooted synonyms that coincide in meaning, but differ in frequency of use. It has been proven that the specificity of legislative discourse as a system explains the legal text.
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