



civil rights, national security, human rights and freedoms, judicial protection, state policy.


The article is devoted to the problems of doctrinal substantiation and practical consolidation of state policy standards in Ukraine regarding the provision of human rights and freedoms in the national security sphere. The purpose of the article is the analysis of current legal policy regarding the condition of human rights and freedoms in the realm of national security in Ukraine. The nature of the origin of the state's obligations to respect human rights and freedoms is revealed. The essence of the relationship between the primacy of civil rights and public interests in the field of national security is defined. The content of the restriction of civil rights in the area of national security during the realisation of the security conditions of development by the state has been studied. The relationship between the restriction of human rights and freedoms and the security guarantees established by the state for its citizens has been established. The justified natural expediency of the need to restrict civil liberties to achieve national security goals. A conclusion was made regarding the inadmissibility of curtailing the right to judicial protection even under the condition of limiting other civil rights while achieving the goals of national security. Systematic analysis of legislation ensuring national security also demonstrates the primacy of these interests of the state over the importance of the most comprehensive possible observance of civil rights and freedoms. The thesis about the natural necessity of restricting civil rights in the conditions of the state's implementation of policy in the sphere of ensuring national security, but only under the shape of the impossibility of achieving the goals of such policy in other ways, has been proven. It has been identified that even under the conditions of implementation of measures aimed at ensuring national security, Ukraine is developing appropriate state policy strategies to ensure the maximum possible state of realization of civil rights, as national interests and public necessity allow. At the same time, the state guarantees judicial protection of even limited civil rights. Ukraine as a state at the constitutional level enshrines the completeness of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and also creates a system of guarantees for their observance and protection, in particular in the judicial procedure. At the same time, at the level of the Constitution of Ukraine, the state also determines the possibilities for limiting civil rights, which are related to the interests of national security, public necessity or compliance with civil law and order.


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How to Cite

Chyzhov, D. (2024). JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE FIELD OF NATIONAL SECURITY AS A COMPREHENSIVE POLITICAL AND LEGAL INSTITUTE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 58–65. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-58-65

