internally displaced persons, rights and freedoms, right to housing, institutional mechanism, housing restitution mechanism, institutional coordination, state authorities, guarantees, proper compensation systems, martial law.Abstract
The article reveals the problems of regulatory and institutional aspects of ensuring the right to housing of internally displaced persons. It was emphasized that satisfying the human need for housing is an important social task. Implementation of the right to housing among IDPs is particularly necessary. It was emphasized that the first task is the development and adoption of the draft law «On restitution/compensation of destroyed housing and other property to internally displaced persons and other injured persons». The state and civil society organizations should actively develop and implement legal aid programs to support displaced persons to overcome discrimination and barriers they face in accessing housing during resettlement and post-conflict times. State bodies must keep detailed documentation (if possible in the conditions of cessation of hostilities) regarding the situation with housing and property of internally displaced persons at the time they left their homes. State and local bodies must strictly implement housing and property rights decisions. Ukraine must undertake to grant the right to the reintegration of displaced people. It is necessary to establish flexible and effective means of legal protection based on human rights principles. Housing problems should be solved through effective institutional coordination. State institutions should be involved in post-conflict programs to restore internally displaced persons' housing and property rights. Joint action through the conclusion of agreements or memoranda could facilitate the mechanism and process of restitution for internally displaced persons. The housing restitution mechanism must be accessible and unobstructed, with a straightforward procedure. Existing housing documents, even incomplete, should be considered as proof of housing return. The state needs to create proper compensation systems. The claimant must receive compensation in cases where the home no longer exists, or the individual knowingly and voluntarily accepts payment instead of restitution.
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