legal forms, non-legal forms, public information, reports, interaction with the public, citizen appeals.Abstract
The article examines the content of the concept of forms of public control over police activities, as well as their classification. It is noted that the institution of public control over the activities of the National Police of Ukraine received its regulatory and legal personification relatively recently in the Law "On the National Police", since in the Law "On the Militia" of 1990, Section VI was devoted to the issue of control and supervision, where in Art. 26–27 it was determined that the control is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Internal Affairs and within the limits of the council's competence (local councils, when carrying out control, do not interfere in its administrative, operative and investigative activities, etc.). Public control and forms of such control were not discussed in the mentioned Law, in contrast to the new Law "On the National Police" of 2015. The study defines the forms of control over the activities of law enforcement agencies", the researchers' approaches to the classification of general forms of public control are given, the signs are indicated such control. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of forms of public control over police activities. The approaches of various researchers to the classification of forms of public control over the activities of the National Police of Ukraine are presented. It is concluded that the form of public control over the activities of the National Police of Ukraine is an external expression of the control actions of institutions of civil society and individual citizens, which are legally enshrined. At the same time, it is pointed out the need for further development of the legal framework to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of forms of public control over police activities.
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