


qualifying features, criminal-legal characteristics, war crimes, crimes against the established order of military service, voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service, martial law, special period.


The Institute of Criminal and Legal Characteristics, in particular with regard to the voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service, investigates and determines the following issues raised before it, namely, objective and subjective features of the composition of the crime, the issue of criminal responsibility, and the specifics of the subject of the criminal offense. In addition, in its content, the criminal law characteristic examines the qualifying features as an integral part of the component. In this way, this scientific work highlights the actual problems of the qualifying signs of voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service (Article 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – hereinafter the Criminal Code of Ukraine), as a substantive element of the criminal-legal characterization of crimes against the established order of military service. Qualifying features of the crime and its features are determined. Based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine, attention is focused on determining the expediency of applying aggravating circumstances to some parts of the crime. At the same time, based on the results of the study, the positions of leading legal scholars were analyzed on the issues of determining the qualifying signs of voluntarily leaving a military unit or place of service. An exclusive list of qualifying features, such as those regulated in separate parts of the corresponding article, is provided. Definitions of the main concepts contained in the structure of qualifying features, namely «special period», «martial law» and «combat situation», in particular the place of consolidation of the latter at the legislative level and in the light of criminal law, are given. The opinions of scientists regarding the interpretation of certain concepts and the application of the latter in the criminal-legal characteristics of the voluntary abandonment of a military unit or place of service through the prism of scientific research are presented. The qualifying feature of committing a crime in the conditions of a special period is studied in detail, in particular as a circumstance that aggravates the punishment. The need to improve the legislation regarding the definition of some constructions is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, P. (2024). CRIMINAL-LEGAL CHARACTERISTICS OF QUALIFYING SIGNS OF LEAVING A MILITARY UNIT OR PLACE OF SERVICE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 436–442.