crime prevention, crime, law enforcement agencies, counteraction, preventive activity.Abstract
On the basis of modern ideas about crime, the essence and content of countering its manifestations, its prevention, as a complex of social and legal efforts to keep the quantitative and qualitative indicators of crime within socially acceptable limits, the article analyzes the criminological prevention of crime. As a result of the conducted research, a number of provisions and conclusions were formed, in particular, it was stated that in the field of combating offenses and crime, society has always used and uses all the means available to it in order to warn and prevent the violation of the criminal law, to prevent and deter members of this society from committing illegal acts. A separate law has not yet been adopted, and with regard to the preventive activities of the police, this would mean, first of all, the training of professionally competent specialists for the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine, capable of preventing crimes in practice on a deep scientific and legal basis. It is emphasized that crime is a phenomenon foreign to civilized society, but so far this phenomenon objectively exists, its prevention and localization is an objective scientifically based necessity and regularity of the process of state development. Scientific analysis of this regularity will make it possible to set program tasks for law enforcement agencies, and above all for internal affairs agencies of Ukraine, to prevent crimes, that is, to conduct preventive work to prevent crime by means of methods and technologies. Concluding the research, we cited the well-known aphorism «it is cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it», as well as crime – one of the most serious social diseases. It was noted that the issues of development and implementation of relevant draft laws on prevention and prevention of crimes, as the future generalizing law of Ukraine (the above and others) are still relevant today. Which have been repeatedly discussed by the scientific community and whose purpose is the prevention and prevention of crime, the protection of a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security, which are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value, in accordance with Art. 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
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