discharge, self-discharge, legal grounds, prosecutor, investigator, inquirer, application for recusal, private interest, procedural status.Abstract
The scientific article examines the grounds for recusal (self-recusal) of a prosecutor, investigator, investigator, provided by the current criminal procedural legislation. The author draws attention to the interpretation of the term «refusal» and its disclosure in various theoretical studies by scientists of different times. Peculiarities of impeachment by a prosecutor, investigator or inquirer at the stage of pre-trial proceedings have been studied. Emphasis is placed on the procedural order of revocation, in particular the content of the revocation statement. The legal grounds for impeachment were analyzed for their completeness and consideration by the relevant officials, and attention was paid to the disclosure of the concept of «other circumstances that cause reasonable doubts about impartiality» and their significance in the application of certain provisions of the institute of impeachments. Grounds for impeachment are a measure of justice in criminal proceedings, therefore, in order to increase the trust of citizens, the institution of impeachment must be improved in accordance with the requirements of the times. At the same time, there are still issues of its legislative regulation, which are being resolved both at the theoretical and practical levels. The purpose of the article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the grounds for recusal (self-recusal) of a prosecutor, investigator or inquirer and to put forward a conceptual view of the grounds enshrined in current legislation.
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