professional education, distance learning, martial law, epidemic, police training.Abstract
The article examines the main aspects of training future police officers in modern conditions. The need to optimize and increase the level of professionally oriented training of future officers of the National Police of Ukraine in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with modern requirements is substantiated. It has been established that in the conditions of martial law, institutions of higher education that train law enforcement officers need to adapt as soon as possible to the events taking place in order to fulfill their primary duties to ensure the safety of students during the organization of the educational process. The specifics of the future profession have been determined, since quality training for the performance of professional tasks is an important aspect, especially for future employees of the National Police. The educational training of future police officers is also emphasized, which consists of the following areas of organization of the educational process: educational (lecture classes, seminars, practical classes and business games), educational, practical and independent training. It was found that distance learning, the purpose of which is to provide educational services through the use of modern information and communication technologies in training, can take place in the training of police officers, but the practical component is important. Attention is focused on the fact that it is rational to organize the educational process in such a way that for a certain period future law enforcement officers master and practice the acquired knowledge in practice. It is formulated how the introduction of martial law affected the police training system.
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